Law - Know Your Rights


John Harris was very influential within the Freeman-on-the-Land Movement & The Truth Movement in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. He was also founder of The Peoples United Community. As a speaker, John was always confident and articulate.So much so, that he has given many passionate speeches. His work includes this fine presentation of ‘It’s An Illusion’ in 2009, which has also set a benchmark for other Free Thinking TRUTHERS to emulate.Furthermore, it is often used as a taster for those who have just set out on their quest to become free from citizenship enslavement.To emphasize, John pays a lot of attention to detail in the video.For example, he explains how we have become nothing more than slaves to the system.John also highlights how we have given away our inalienable rights.He also tells us the result of humans connecting with a birth certificate (Birth Certificate Scam), with their legal fiction (Legal Name Fraud).By doing this, he continues, we are surrendering ourselves to the control of the government in effect.On the whole, the video clearly shows how John was passionate about the Truth. In fact, it is a fine example of how one man can easily get the message out to the masses.John died from SUICIDE BY ILLUMINATI in 2014.Please help his life have even more meaning, by sharing this video far & wide.

The story of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for the government that claims you as their personal property.A fun and informative animation from Infomatic Films made in the spirit of freedom.

The breakdown of the word Government is govern (TO CONTROL) and ment (THE MIND).Governments were created on earth as FALSE AUTHORITIES and MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS. They were created by the Royals to give the illusion of freedom & free will.The Royals reign while their governments rule for them.If elections were real then you would have the option to vote for NO GOVERNMENT, not just political parties sanctioned by the government. All authorities on earth are false, since all humans are in control of themselves, we are all born SOVEREIGN.This video is one of the first things that any Truther has to Wake Up to and come to terms with before they can ever become CONSCIOUS.

Admiralty Law: Word Controlled Humans & The Law of MoneyThere are the laws that you are familiar with, the laws of the land, and then there are the cryptic laws that deprive you of your very humanity.This presentation explains: Man as a "Word-Controlled Creature" "Civil Law vs. Admiralty/Maritime Law." Maritime/Admiralty Law Superimposed over Civil Law One's Mother as a Merchant Vessel Giving Birth as a Commercial Maritime Concept Hospitals and Energy Farms Spiritual Beings vs. Human Beings Freemasonry, Banking and the Court Connection."Words can be used to tell others what an individual perceives; they can also be used to override perception, condition or destroy thought, and control humans.
The processes that turn individual humans into monstrous group organisms is a significant aspect of history.
Civil and religious groups, grow in power by the destruction of individual souls and control of individual will."
John Harland
Admiralty Law:
Word Controlled Humans & The Law of Money - Jordan Maxwell

The Human Rights Act
In this section you can find out about The Human Rights Act 1998 and the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to.